
The Greater Middle Eastern War

The Greater Middle Eastern War

Scary thoughts from emptywheel over at The Next Hurrah. It could be passed off as baseless speculation, but considering what we've been through the past 6 years, baseless speculation can be pretty rational these days.

Basically, it's her take on the recent Israeli/Hamas (and now Israeli/Hizbullah) conflict that we're not doing our part to cool this thing off in order to advance the neoconservative agenda (those who brought you the Iraq War). The neocon agenda these days means war with Iran. Think I'm crazy? Look at what Matt Drudge, the source for early, unconfirmed (read: misleading) reports:

Israel has information that Lebanese guerrillas who captured two Israeli soldiers are trying to transfer them to Iran, the Foreign Ministry spokesman said. Spokesman Mark Regev did not disclose the source of his information.

Now, being Drudge, there is no backup for this info, and I'd bet you a bottle of Laphroaig 30-year that it's false, but that's not the point. If this story gets into the mainstream (first on Fox News, then over to the rest of the cable networks, and then off it goes), there's our justification for a war with Iran.

I was so naive to think that the way we went to war in Iraq was underhanded...

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