
Eating Stuff in the Woods

A new site I've been reading is York Staters, a blog dedicated to upstate NY. A neat article is there on what you can eat in the woods. There are some ones I've eaten, like fiddleheads (baby ferns you pick in the spring when they're still small). Others I've heard of, like sassafrass roots (the base for root beer). Others, though are quite different. Like Wild Carrots, or the roots of Queen Anne's Lace:

Another edible root is the Wild Carrot, also called Queens Anne Lace [2], which is a close cousin to the domesticated carrot; however, it is only for the over-curious or starving as it is like chewing leather. I suggest pulling them before the flowers bloom, cutting them up and boiling them.

OK, so that doesn't sound too tasty. But spruce tree bark and wild leeks do sound pretty good. The comment section is fun for the references to the various hallucinogenic plants found in the area. I'd be a little wary, considering how nausea often accompanies wild hallucinogens, but you can do what you want, I suppose.

1 comment:

York Staters said...

Thanks for the mention! After he wrote that article, Jesse and I were out in the woods with another friend, and they got me to try all kinds of things they found along the path... birch root, wintergreen leaves, etc. with mixed results. Though when we got to the field with blueberries and rasberries, I was a-ok ;o) I love the Raquette River pictures.
Natalie, Co-Editor, York Staters